

  • 帰国前日までにホテルからの交通、値段を確かめ、シャトルバスなど予約できるものは済ましておきます。
  • 早朝出発の場合には、wake-up callを頼んでおき、前日に会計をすませます。
  • 乗り物代と空港税(airport tax)を現地通貨でキープしておきます。air port taxは、ホテルで買えることが多いです。
  • 空港で人から物を預からない。麻薬を預かってしまう場合があります。 
  • 現地の空港にて換金(Foreign Exchange)をすませます。

  • 機中で、現地で知り合った人あてに、日本の絵はがき( 切手貼付済み) に礼状を記します。

  • 家の人などに、一刻も早く、帰国の報告をし、お礼をいいます。
  • 写真をDPEし、写真を送ってあげます。
  • 印象がホットなうちに、訪問地の文献を読み知識を深めます。

Thank-you letter

This is just a quick note to thank you for your kindness to me, and to tell you how I enjoyed the visit with you.
Thank you again.

To a guest house

I enjoyed and learned a lot at your place. I really felt at home. It 's home away from home. I hope I' ll be coming back soon. Thank you for everything.

Sending Pictures

Much belatedly, I enclose some of the pictures I took. See you soon.

Dear xxx-san
Time passes surprisingly fast. Things have been busy here and it has been taken me this long to deal with it.

I hope that this letter find you well and fine. I have now returned, physically , to Japan, but my heart and memories are still with you. Thank you for many favors you have given me during my stay. I really enjoyed my brief visit to your place. I feel having accomplished a great deal.

You will find here enclosed some of the pictures taken on that occasion.

I hope that our paths cross again soon. Give best regards to all.
                               Sincerely Yours,
                                   Mas Kuwabara